Washington, US President Joe Biden said on Thursday that China will face consequences for helping Russia in its war against Ukraine and noted that some of the European countries are going to reduce their investments in the East Asian country.

"The thing is, we have to make sure that Xi Jinping understands that there is a price to pay for undermining both the Pacific Rim and Europe and dealing with Russia and dealing with Ukraine," Biden told reporters at a news conference. here.

“So, for example, if you want to invest in China, you have to have 51 percent Chinese ownership. You have to make sure that you comply with their rules and provide full access to all the data and information that you have,” he lamented. There was a time, as you remember, during the last administration and the others, when access to that market was attractive enough for companies to enter because they had access to more than a billion people in a market, not a billion but a There are many people in the market, he said.

“So they were doing it, but that was reduced when we started saying we would play by the same rules. For example, the idea that they do not respect international standards regarding the subsidization of products through government funding. Therefore, they will not be able to export their electric vehicles to the United States without a significant tariff,” Biden said.

“Others are doing the same thing around the world, but it is worrying. "It's worrying that China, I mean North Korea, Russia and Iran, countries that weren't necessarily coordinated in the past, are trying to figure out how they can have an impact," he said. Responding to a question, he said he has a strategy to drive to China. “Yes, but I'm not prepared to talk about the details in public. I think you will see that some of our European friends are going to limit their investments in China, as long as China continues to receive this indirect help to Russia in terms of being able to help their economy, as well as, as well as help them as a consequence of that, their ability to fight in Ukraine,” he said.

“The other thing we talked about a lot is that, I mentioned it and I didn't hear anything… I can't swear that everyone agreed because not everyone could talk about it, but we haven't… we need a new industrial policy in the West,” he said.

“For example, we talked about how both the EU and NATO have to be able to start building their own ammunition capacity, they have to be able to generate their own weapons supply capacity and the capacity that was a surprise to us. "Some of us noticed that we had fallen behind the West in terms of the ability to build new material, new weaponry, new everything from vehicles to weapons systems," Biden said. "One of the things that came out of this was that we will meet again with several of my colleagues, my European colleagues, to see what we do to increase the capacity of the West, particularly in Europe, and "That Japan can generate the kind of capacity to produce its own weapons systems, not only for itself but to be able to generate that," Biden said.

“That's what Russia is trying to find out, then they went to China and didn't get the weapons, but then they went to North Korea. But we will be in a position where the West will become the industrial base so we can have all the defensive weapons we need. That was also a discussion,” he told reporters.

Biden said that he raised at the NATO summit and others raised the future of China's involvement, what they are going to do, what they are doing with Russia in terms of adaptation, facilitation, access to additional weapons and We are not supplying weapons to them. themselves. “They are providing mechanisms so that they can obtain weapons. …My point is that Xi believes China is a big enough market to attract any country, including European ones, to invest there, in exchange for commitments from Europe to do A, B, C or D or not do certain things ”. he said.

"What happened is that we had a long discussion that we have to make it clear that China has to understand that if they are supplying Russia with information and capabilities, as well as working with North Korea and others to help Russia with weapons, they are not" "They're going to benefit economically as a result of that by getting the type of investment they're looking for," Biden said.

“And so, for example, we are in a situation where, and after that we have reestablished direct contact with China, remember the balloon, in quotes, descending and, suddenly, things came to an end? Well, we set up a new mechanism. “There is a direct line between XI and me and our military have direct access to each other and communicate with each other when we have problems,” the president said.