Kawardha (Chhattisgarh) [India], Chhattisgarh Police has announced a cash reward for people providing information about Naxalites and their activities. Speaking to ANI, Kabirdham Superintendent of Police Abhishek Pallav said, "A reward of lakhs of rupees will be given to those who share information about Naxalites." Reward will be given by the government. He further said, "If one Naxalite is arrested or killed, then five people will be given jobs on the post of constable." Police officials of the district have also visited houses in the district and shared information about offering a reward of Rs. "This information has been spread to 35,000 people in the last three days through pamphlets and WhatsApp. We are also forming civil defense groups in villages to protect villagers from Naxalites," he said. He said, "Police camps have been opened within a radius of 7-8 kilometers in Naxal affected areas of the state. We are also running schools for small children." In nine highly sensitive areas we have arranged various sports activities for the youth. With the help of villagers, Naxalism will be eliminated from Kawardha area in the next six months.