The Legal Metrology Wing of the Department of Food & Supplies & Consumer Affairs and Legal Metrology at Chandigarh [India], Union Territory of Chandigarh is engaged in regulating the use of true weights and measures instruments in trade and commerce, so as to ensure accurate weighing. Could. The measurements and numbers of any item are supplied to any customer as per the contract or as paid by him.

It protects consumer interests by ensuring mandatory declarations on packaged goods.

Legal Metrology Wing of Food & Supplies & Consumer Affairs and Legal Metrology Department, Chandigarh Union Territory recently conducted checks in commercial establishments across Chandigarh to regulate the use of accurate weighing and measuring instruments in trade and commerce. And it was found that some companies are covering the declarations provided on pre-packed commodities by their own MRP stickers, which is in violation of the Packaged Commodities Rules, 2011.

As per Rule 6 of the Packaged Commodities Rules, 2011, every pre-packaged commodity must contain mandatory declarations such as full name and address of the manufacturer/packer/importer, month and year of packing/import, common or common name of the commodity. , net content, unit selling price and package selling price (maximum retail price, including all taxes), customer service number with name, address, telephone number of the person or office, who can be contacted in case of consumer. The complaints and sizes printed on such packages, if applicable, and the declaration printed thereon correspond to the contents of the package.

The department is going to launch a massive investigation drive in the coming days for violations of the Packaged Commodities Rules, 2011. Business establishments are requested to ensure that the provisions of the rules are followed in letter and spirit.