News reports claim that Class 6 NCERT textbooks will take two months to reach students and that it was not properly communicated by CBSE whether only Classes 3 and 4 will receive the revised textbooks or Classes 9 and 11 as well. Will be included.

The Education Ministry described the news as "factually incorrect and misleading".

"All Class 6 textbooks will be made available by NCERT within July 2024. The two-month deadline being cited is incorrect," the ministry said.

It further states that in order to provide adequate time to teachers and students for practical experiences under the experiential learning perspective and to ensure smooth transition from the old to the new curriculum for both teachers and students, “NCERT has already set up a one-month The bridge has been provided.” programs in all 10 subject areas for Grade 6, which is currently being used for teaching.”

The ministry clarified that in March, it was informed through CBSE circular that for all classes except 3 and 6, no changes have been made in the existing syllabus or textbooks.

“In the light of misleading information, schools have once again been advised by CBSE to continue using the same textbooks for these classes as they did in the previous academic year (2023-24),” the government said.

“The Regional Parts Distribution Center (RPDC) Bangalore supplies to all South Indian states including Tamil Nadu. The title-wise demand for Class 9 and 11 textbooks received from RPDC Bangalore has been met by NCERT. No deficiency has been reported by the Publications Division and RPDC Bangalore,” the ministry said.