New Delhi [India], Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) launched a multi-modal awareness campaign against frauds being committed in the name of Indian Customs and urged the public to understand the modus operandi of fraudsters, protect their information , requested to verify. Know the history of the caller and be alert and report such acts.

According to a press release from the Finance Ministry, reports from various news portals and social media platforms have highlighted a disturbing trend where fraudsters are duping the public into parting with money under false pretenses to avoid legal penalties.

These scams mainly involve digital mediums like phone calls and SMS, in which fraudsters attempt to extort money by creating fear of immediate punitive action.

CBIC has launched an awareness campaign consisting of a series of newspaper advertisements aimed at spreading important information about these scams to a wider audience.Furthermore, the Board is sending mass SMS and email alerts to inform individuals about the modus operandi of fraudsters and how to avoid these schemes.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are also being used to spread awareness messages and engage with the public on this important issue.

Additionally, CBIC field formations across the country are carrying out public awareness campaigns in coordination with local administration and trade bodies.

These efforts are designed to educate people at the grassroots level, ensuring that the message reaches all corners of the community.

To help individuals avoid becoming victims of these scams, the CBIC recommends several key measures.Firstly, the public is urged to understand that Indian Customs officials will never contact individuals through phone, SMS or email to demand payment of duty into private accounts.

If contacted by someone claiming to be from Customs and requesting payment, individuals should disconnect the call and ignore the message.

CBIC also emphasizes the importance of protecting personal information. The press release said that citizens should never share sensitive details such as passwords, CVV numbers or Aadhaar information with unknown entities.

Additionally, they should avoid sending money to unknown individuals or organizations without confirming their identity and legitimacy.Verification is another important step. All official communications of the Indian Customs Department include a Document Identification Number (DIN), which can be verified on the official website of CBIC.

This measure helps ensure that individuals can verify the authenticity of any communication received from Customs.

In addition to these steps, CBIC encourages the public to report any suspected fraud.

Cases can be reported on the dedicated cyber crime portal or by calling the helpline number 1930. The press release states that prompt reporting of suspicious activities can help authorities take prompt action and prevent further incidents of fraud.CBIC has identified several common tactics adopted by fraudsters. A prevalent method involves making fraudulent calls or SMS messages from persons posing as courier officers or customs staff.

These messages claim that a package or parcel has been held by customs and requires payment of duties or taxes for release.

Another strategy involves pressure tactics where fraudsters impersonate Customs, police or Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officials.

They allegedly demand payment for the release of packages containing goods received from abroad and threaten legal action if payment is not made.Fraudsters may also inform victims that their packages contain illegal items such as drugs or contraband and have been confiscated by customs.

They then demand money to resolve the problem and threaten to impose fines or face legal consequences if payment is not made immediately.