Khagaria (Bihar), A case has been registered against nine police personnel, including an SP rank officer, who is accused of assaulting a sub-inspector and snatching his mobile phone two years ago, an official said on Thursday. .

According to Khagaria Superintendent of Police Chandan Kumar Kushwaha, the FIR has been lodged at Chitragupta Nagar police station in the district following the May 6 order of the Chief Judicial Magistrate's court.

"On receipt of the court order, an FIR was registered on July 4 in view of the complaint of Amalendu Singh, who was earlier posted at Mansi police station here," the SP said.

The sub-inspector alleged in his complaint that on June 26, 2022, the then SP and other officers beat him up and also snatched his phone and threatened to kill him.

He claimed that ever since he caught a fraudster, a resident of Begusarai, who was "serving" as a sub-inspector in Khagaria, many people from the district police were complaining against him.

The complainant also claimed that after the case was resolved, she faced pressure from colleagues and superiors to "keep quiet" on the matter and was even booked in a "fake corruption case" in the vigilance court in Bhagalpur. After this he was suspended.

He approached the CJM's court this year as his police complaint, filed two days after the alleged attack, was pending.

The court said that prima facie the case deserves investigation and directed the police to take necessary action.

Apart from the then SP, others named in the FIR are the then deputy SP and the then SHO of Sadar police station.

Others named in the FIR are inspector and sub-inspector rank officers posted at various locations in Khagaria.