Cannes [France], 'Star Wars' creator George Lucas was awarded the Honorary Palme d'Or at the closing ceremony of the 77th Cannes Film Festival and his colleague Francis Ford Coppola presented the award, receiving a heartfelt tribute to Lucas. The audience stood and applauded him for several minutes. When Coppola came on stage, the two hugged and exchanged some personal comments [ Lucas received the award While delivering the speech, Coppola recalled his first meeting with the 'Star Wars' producer, who had joined him on the set of his film 'Finian's Rainbow' in 1968, according to Variety "It was the first time he met anyone in my own generation. Delighted to have him, I suggested he come every day but only on one condition: that he come every day with a brilliant suggestion, which he consistently did, and that began a bond that would last a lifetime," Coppola. Said. "And he went on to make film history, business history and now history in France. Coppola also mentioned the time Lucas was rejected by the owners of the "Floss Gordon" comic strip when he pitched a film adaptation."He looked at me and said, 'Okay, I'll make my own movie, I'll call it 'Star Battles' or 'Star Wars' or something.' And he did just that, and in the process risked everything he didn't have," Coppola said. "Congratulations George, not only are I and your friends proud of you, but the world is proud to honor you. Accepting the award, Lucas said, "I can't thank you all enough because I'm a kid who grew up on a vineyard in Modesto, California, who makes movies with Francis in San Francisco. Looking back on his nearly 60 years in the film industry, Lucas said "It's definitely a different world" now. "I've never actually made a movie in Hollywood as a director, so being here is really cool. It's an honor," he concluded. "Thank you very much.Lucas has been credited with films at Cannes four times: THX 1138 in 1971, Star Wars, Episode III – Revenge of the Sith in 2005, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in 2008, and Indiana Jones in 2002. And The Dial of Destiny (he was not present last year).