While hearing a case related to gross irregularities and corruption in the recruitment of primary teachers in 2014, a single-judge bench of Justice Rajasekhar Mantha said that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) can seek advice and help from experts from anywhere. world including private entities specializing in the information technology sector to retrieve relevant data.

Justice Mantha also directed that the entire cost of assistance of expert agencies should be borne by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE).

Justice Mantha also said that recovering the data on the OMR sheets was extremely important as the roots of corruption related to the recruitment of primary teachers lay hidden there.

On July 2, Justice Mantha directed the CBI to deposit the original hard disks where the digital copies of OMR sheets used in the written examinations for recruitment of primary teachers were stored.

However, on Friday, the CBI counsel informed the court that officials of their central agency were not in a position to submit it in the court. After this, Justice Mantha directed the agency to take the help of expert agencies.

Earlier on Tuesday, Justice Mantha had also said that if the hard disk is destroyed then that matter should also be brought under the ambit of investigation. He also said that even if the hard disk is destroyed, the original data will still be stored. Must have gone to WBBPE server.