New Delhi [India], Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India Giris Chandra Murmu visited the Office of the Court of Accounts (Tribunal de Cuentas) of Spain to strengthen bilateral cooperation, knowledge sharing and capacity building. Developments between the two institutions The purpose of the visit is to deepen discussions on the functioning of the respective supreme audit institutions of the two countries and explore avenues of cooperation. During his visit, Murmu held extensive discussions with Enriquet Chicano, President of the Court of Accounts of Spain. Revolving around the respective mandates, organizational structure audit planning and execution methods, institutional independence, a recent initiative taken by both institutions, Chicano highlighted in detail the independence enjoyed by the Court of Accounts from the executive branch and in performance audit and evaluation Highlighting recent initiatives. Public Policies Murmu highlighted the recent emphasis on leveraging information technology and capacity building in areas such as environmental audit and blue economy audit. Both heads expressed mutual interest in strengthening bilateral cooperation and committed to this Prepared outlines of plans for formalization.Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in the near future In addition to the meeting with Chicano, Murmu also met with Pablo Arellano Pardo, Comptroller General of Spain's Administration of State Administration (IGAE), IGAE, acting as the internal supervisory agency. The state plays an important role in ensuring compliance with the principles of public sector legality, economy efficiency and effectiveness. Recognizing the similarity of mandates in the accounting function, the bot dignitaries appreciated how internal audit complements external audit, aligning with the shared objective of promoting transparency. They discussed the emerging challenges and opportunities arising from digitalization, the development of common accounting formats, and the imperatives of fiscal responsibility and debt sustainability for both federal and provincial governments.