PN Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], April 18:, formerly, is a global digital certification directory marketplace built for businesses around the world. The BusinessABC Digital Hub marketplace provides SMEs with access to B2B, B2C or services marketplaces, chambers o commerce, trade corridors, digital supply chains, provenance tools, a multi-store e-commerce and partners.
- The world leader in cutting-edge innovation technologies such as Industry 4IR, Web3.0, the AI ​​Metaverse and Blockchain - is at the forefront of driving advances in these areas, helping businesses adapt and stay at the forefront of technology innovation. Changing Business Landscape “About 400 million businesses and SMEs are the backbone of the world economy. They are the main source of job creation globally, accounting for more than 95% of companies and about 60-70% of employment.o With the accelerated pace of digitalization, these SMEs lack the basic tools to move themselves into the internet economy, surprisingly, almost 90% of these businesses and SMEs do not have a website or any form of do not even have a digital profile, and also lack any financial support. The bridge they need to reach business networks, governments, tech ecosystems, leading universities and global organizations, BusinessABC facilitates you in the journey of digital transformation. provides, allowing you to grow your business in a reliable environment,” says Dennis Gard
Founder and CEO of ztudium and Ensuring a trusted digital presence for businesses and SMEs According to OECD and World Bank data, online platforms are at the heart of society's digital transformation
, Digitalization is a multidimensional concept that involves the use and application of various technologies for various purposes. Furthermore, there are complementarities in digital dissemination. This means that as the scope of businesses grows, businesses need a broader range of technologies to support and complement each other. The lack of reliable online platforms may contribute to widening the existing digital divide, while increasing the risk of not seeing the benefits of digital transformation, especially for early adopters offers improved productivity, reduced operating costs and Envisions empowering SMEs with access. Essential business intelligence services.By embracing digital transformation, SMEs can unlock growth opportunities, generate economies of scale and scope, and fully participate in the global digital economy. has a significant digital footprint, reaching a global audience with over 17 million views. Affiliate Dennis Gard YouTube Podcast Show
, Its directory resources and marketplace help businesses connect with each other to accelerate their respective digital transformations and improve their outreach. has global collaborations and partnerships with global organizations and institutions such as of Oxford, EU A Alliance, eTrade. Alliank [, United Nations Global Impact, Billion Strong, PHD Chamber of Commerce of Industries
and USAID, to name a few.The newly rebranded platform offers a multi-faceted approach to empowering businesses through enhanced visibility, strategic support, cutting-edge blockchain smart contract verified certificates, and more. For professionals and businesses, verifying digital identities plays a vital role in protecting privacy, preventing identity theft, and. To promote a secure and trusted digital ecosystem. provides Business and Corporate Digital IDs or 'PCDIs', digital sets of identifiers that can be decentralized and owned by any business. A single PCDI can efficiently facilitate access to a range of trade-related transaction services.SMEs and businesses can leverage these PCDIs to establish trust and identity among their network of stakeholders “ stands out with its innovative service that matches companies from over 96 countries by issuing verifications. It leverages advanced technologies like AI and Blockchain to enable digital smart contracts to not just prove compliance with certain norms or standards, they establish authenticity, security and verifiability, which the modern business landscape urgently requires. Our blockchain and AI driven technology behind the authentication process enhances the credibility of businesses, organizations, individual professionals”, says Sonesh Sir.
, Partner at ztudium provides integrated 3D geolocation metaverse immersive solutions for every business, government and individual WIKIDNA Proprietary IP. The platform offers membership benefits
For its clients, that includes access to VIP business coaching, education solutions and skills training with global industry experts. It also provides access to trade finance network solutions with Mastercard and other Globa partners, as well as investment opportunities in a Global Innovators Investment Program for UK businesses.'s media and resource offerings promote businesses and products on its platforms to an audience of over 1 million.One business per person per month. The platform's subscription offering allows promotion across all its media and other PR outreach. Top 10,000 Public Company Market Cap Index by With its rebranding, introduces the Top 10,000 Public Company Market Cap Index that provides valuable insights into the financial landscape. Patent Pending AI Algorithm Scoring System -'s AIDNA model evaluates and evaluates businesses, enabling them with intelligent insights that facilitate innovation, prioritize sustainable practices, and leverage top technology like Apple, Microsoft Establishes itself as industry leaders by ranking players. From Google, Alphabet, Nvidia and Meta to other large corporations from industries as diverse as energy, fashion, fintech, e-commerce and many more, this index lists the top 10,00 publicly listed companies according to their market cap. "This index allows us to provide our users with comprehensive, data-driven solutions, the Market Cap Index of the Top 10,000 Public Companies is a benchmark that provides a comprehensive overview of the financial landscape by indexing the market capitalization of the top 10,000 public companies", Dilip says.Punglia, partner and board member at ztudium, parent company Additionally, the platform has also launched Business Country Inde
, where it leverages its IDN model to list the top 1000 businesses in countries based on the four pillars digital transformation, innovation, sustainability and thought leadership. I also list the Top 200 Blockchain Influencers and Leaders
Which is making an impact in the industry. For more information about and its innovative services, visit