With more than 210,000 votes counted, Tomasdottir finished ahead of her rivals with 34.3 percent of the vote, followed by former Prime Minister Katarina Jacobsdottir with 25.2 percent, according to Icelandic national broadcaster RÚV.

Jakobsdottir reportedly congratulated Tomasdottir when she spoke to RUV during her election party, Xinhua news agency reported.

RUV reported that turnout among approximately 270,000 eligible voters reached 78.83 percent, the highest turnout in a presidential election since 1996. The gap between the two leading candidates was smallest in the populous South and South-West.

This was Tomasdottir's second attempt at the presidency.

In 2016, when Gudni Johansson was elected she was the runner-up.

Incumbent President Johansson was not running for a third four-year term.

Tomasdottir, 55, will assume his post on August 1.

Analyzing the 2024 campaign, RUV broadcasters said that college-educated women were the initial core of Halla Tomasdottir's supporters. After that the number of his supporters increased and included the youth population and others. There was a significant increase in public opinion support quite late in the campaign.

Presidential elections were held in Iceland on Saturday and the final count of votes for all six constituencies was revealed on Sunday morning.

This year there were 12 candidates in the fray for the post of President of Iceland. The candidate who gets the most votes wins the election.

The President of Iceland is elected through direct popular vote, serving a four-year term of office, with the possibility of consecutive re-election.

The President of Iceland has limited political powers, including the right to veto legislation or call for a referendum.