Raising slogans in support of their demands, dozens of workers of BRSV, the student wing of BRS, gathered outside the Commission office in Nampally. They sat on the road, causing traffic jams in the busy area.

Police physically loaded protesters into waiting police vehicles and took them to different police stations. BRSV state president Gellu Srinivas was among those detained by the police.

BRSV demanded that the government conduct a mega District Selection Committee (DSC) examination in October to recruit 25,000 teachers.

The BRS student wing also demanded an increase in the number of group 2 and group 3 seats by 2,000 and 3,000 respectively before conducting the exam.

Srinivas said that the Group I main exam should be conducted allowing 100 candidates to take a seat. He said BRSV would continue protesting until the government accepted their demands.

Meanwhile, BRS acting president K. T. Rama Rao, condemned the arrest of students, unemployed and leaders of student groups. He urged the Congress government to accept the students' demands.

He alleged that the government was acting highhandedly against students who were peacefully organizing a protest. He demanded that all detainees be released unconditionally.

Rama Rao asserted that the BRS will support the unemployed who are demanding the Congress government to fulfill its election promises.

The BRS leader alleged that the Congress had betrayed the unemployed by not fulfilling its promises on recruitment of employment, issuance of notifications and publication of work calendar.

KTR recalled that before the Assembly elections, the same Congress party organized protests over the problems of the unemployed and organized a meeting of the unemployed with Rahul Gandhi. He said that after coming to power, the Congress was trying to suppress the same unemployed.

The BRS leader said the Congress used the unemployed to stoke passions for political gain before the elections but now ignores their just demands.

KTR said Congress leaders were repeatedly claiming that their government is the people's government, but were using "repressive" measures to deny students and youth the opportunity to stage a protest.