In London, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will meet on Sunday with another senior party official involved in placing bets on the date of the general election before it was confirmed on July 4, as the scandal engulfing His main advisors continue to be investigated by the country's betting houses. guard dog.

The British Indian leader, who has said he was "incredibly angry" to learn of the allegations that emerged earlier this month, now discovers the Gambling Commission is also investigating the Conservative Party's data director for allegedly betting at the time of the elections before. The date had been announced.

Following revelations first published in "The Sunday Times", Nick Mason is said to have taken leave but denies any wrongdoing.

It is a new blow for the Sunak-led Conservatives, who were already far behind the opposition Labor Party in all pre-election opinion polls, after their campaign manager, Tony Lee, and his wife running for Conservative MP , Laura Saunders, were appointed. prior to the election date betting investigations.

It came after Sunak's escort officer was arrested by the Metropolitan Police on suspicion of misconduct in placing a bet on the election date and Sunak's parliamentary assistant, Conservative MP candidate Craig Williams, was also under investigation. .

While betting is legal in the UK, any bet placed with the advantage of insider information could fall within the realm of illegality.

"Multiple investigations are taking place. It is right that they are allowed to continue. They are independent and necessarily confidential," Sunak told reporters earlier this week.

"There is also a criminal investigation, and these are potentially criminal matters. If anyone is found to have broken the rules, not only should they face the full consequences of the law, but I will ensure that they are expelled from the Conservative Party." " he said.

Since then, he and senior party leaders have refused to comment on the ongoing investigations, and a senior cabinet minister condemned the actions of his party colleagues.

"It seems like a rule for them and a rule for us. That's the most potentially damaging thing," Leveling Up secretary Michael Gove said he will not seek re-election next month.

The Gaming Commission only admitted to "investigating the possibility of crimes related to the election date" and declined to provide details about the "ongoing investigation."

"We neither confirm nor deny the identity of any person involved in this investigation," a spokesperson said.

Meanwhile, opposition parties have continued to put pressure on the ruling Conservatives over the growing betting scandal.

"Rishi Sunak promised integrity, professionalism and accountability, instead his weakness means he has overseen the same sleaze and scandal that have come to epitomize the last 14 years of Conservative government. Rishi Sunak must take immediate action and suspend all those involved in conservative bets. scandal," said a Labor Party spokesman.

The Liberal Democrats also called on Sunak to personally intervene following the allegations.

"This is now a complete scandal at the heart of Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party. Sunak must personally intervene to order a Cabinet Office investigation and suspend everyone being investigated by the Gambling Commission," the Democratic deputy leader said. Liberal Daisy Cooper.

When Sunak emerged on the steps of 10 Downing Street in pouring rain on May 22 to announce the July 4 general election date, he took the country by surprise with a summer election against the widely scheduled calendar. speculated from September to October.

The date was therefore considered a closely guarded secret, with only a handful of close party collaborators expected to be aware of it.

Under section 42 of the UK Gambling Act 2005, it is an offense to cheat at games of chance or to do anything that enables another person to cheat.