MOSCOW [Russia], Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday stressed that the 2024 BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, will mark the achievement of new heights in the interaction between the BRICS countries. "I think the summit in Kazan this October will mark the achievement of new heights in the interaction between the BRICS countries," the Russian Foreign Minister said. He further explained what Russia should expect from its chairmanship of the group. Responding to how the expansion of the Association this year affected the concept of the Russian chairmanship, he said, "We entered 2024 without any historical experience of expanding integration. It was not clear how the lapping process would take place or what its implications would be. What will be the outcome? But today, with one-third of the Chairmanships behind us, the engagement has gained full momentum and we are moving fast towards success, with Russia assuming the Chairmanship of BRICS, which also includes Brazil, on January 1, 2024., Russia, India, China, one South Africa, as well as four new members: Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates joined the BRICs as new full members, which In a strong signal of the Union's growing authority and its role in international affairs, during the BRICS Chairmanship the Russian side will continue its work in all three key areas, including politics and security, economy and finance, humanitarian cooperation. It is worth considering that so far there has been no example of an entity doubling its membership,'' Lavrov said. He further stressed that all entrants are showing great enthusiasm and are ready to work genuinely and professionally on the agenda that the Russian Chairmanship has developed in consultation with all participants. “The second thing, undoubtedly, for some newcomers, was the volume and scope of the work we are doing in BRICS, which was a bit of a surprise. It's not so much the number of events, but the multi-level mechanism,” he said. o Dialogue, the format in which new ideas and certain traditions are worked out, initiatives are introduced within the framework of BRICS work, and they are implemented.''