Despite facing overwhelming odds in terms of both numbers and firepower, Paon and his 300-strong contingent had bravely defended their land a century earlier.

The battle ended at Khongjom, about 35 km from Imphal, where it fought fiercely to the end, refusing to retreat or surrender.

Paona's unwavering dedication to honor and valor is a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by Manipuri patriots in defense of their motherland. To commemorate the moment when the erstwhile Imperial Kingdom of Manipur lost its independence from the British, and to ensure To ensure that the courage, valor and patriotism inherent in the Manipuri people of that era continue to inspire the present generation, 23 April is celebrated as ' 'Khongjom Day' every year.To mark the occasion, a state ceremony was held at the Khongjom Wa Memorial, attended by the Governor, Chief Minister and other dignitaries, who laid a wreath at the statue of Paona Brajabashi, followed by a gun salute.

"Despite fighting bravely, there was no one left standing except Paona Brajbashi, and when an army officer asked him to switch sides and join with the British, Paona refused. His martial arts skills and bravery Influenced by the British, the British lured him to a thick post, to which Paona replied, "Death is more welcome than treason." Kachingtabam, exponent of Thang-ta, describing Paona's valor on the battlefield "Paona then took off his protective gear, and asked the British officer to behead him," Hemachandra said.

Manipur maintained its sovereignty until British occupation after the Khongjom War of 1891.Following the conflict, the British established a significant presence in Manipur, consolidating their control over the region. Internal crisis and seven years of devastation in Burma (now Myanmar) from 1819 to 1826 forced the rulers of Manipur to reclaim their kingdom. Forced to seek help from the British.

Together with Prince Gambhir Singh, the British assisted in driving out the Burmese during the First Anglo-Burmese War (1824 – 1826).

This cooperation resulted in the restoration of sovereignty of Manipur and Gambhir Singh was appointed nominal king. The Anglo-Manipuri War of 1891, also known as the Last War of Independence, resulted from internal disunity among the Manipuri princes after the death of Maharaja Chandrakriti. started.

This conflict was further aggravated by the widespread and intolerable interference of the British in the affairs of the state, especially during the reign of Maharaja Surchandra Singh.Despite being surrounded by the attacking British forces from three sides – Silchar, Kohima and Tamu (Myanmar), the spirited resistance displayed by the Manipuri became famous for its patriotism and bravery. The Manipuri troops were led by Paona Brajbashi, who was defeated by the enemy. He was recalled from retirement to face the columns of the British, who had the tactical advantage of 20-pounder mountain guns.

Paona Brajbashi, originally Paonam Navol Singh, was born to Paona Tulsiram and Haobam Kunjeshwari on December 20, 1823, at a time of political turmoil.

His father held the position of Lipham Lakpa, chief of Lipham Panah. Later in his life he received the title of 'Paona Brajbashi'.At the age of 7, Ponam Navol was introduced to the Manipuri martial arts tradition under the tutelage of Major Loma Singh Longjamba, a respected expert in martial arts and fighting techniques.

Recognizing his talent and dedication, his mentor imparted to him the full extent of his military expertise, including the secret warfare tactics he had acquired during his long career.

Paunam also learned horse riding, fencing and free-hand combat from his maternal uncle, Major Athoba Haobam Binod, who adopted him after his father's death in 1850. After completing his studies, Paunam joined the Raja in 1856 at the age of 23. He started his military career as a Junio officer in the Indian Army.

For his brave actions during the campaign to suppress the rebellion of the Akam tribe of the Chin Hills, Ponam was promoted and given the title of Subeda Paona Brajabashi, which was conferred on him by Maharaja Chandrakriti, whom he killed in ambush during the campaign. I had saved.At the peak of his military career in 1886, Paona Brajabashi decided to retire from the Imperial Army. He was deeply troubled by the increasing interference of the British in the administration of the state. Despite being retired, Paona Brajbashi was promoted to the rank of Major and his expertise in handling cannons was put to use during the Battle of Khongjom.