New Delhi: Delhi Police faced a tough test on Wednesday when it had to refrain from sending its dogs and bomb squads to over 100 schools that received bomb threats through e-mails.

As schools tried to evacuate students, the city police also swung into action when bomb threat alerts started ringing on their emergency phones from 6 am onwards – a situation that continued till 3 pm.

Senior police officers had to run from school to school with dogs and bomb disposal squads and there was no time to waste.

“Each district has its own bomb squad and a dog squad. When needed, we take help from other districts. But today the situation was completely different as schools in different 15 districts of Delhi received bomb threats through e-mails,” said a senior police officer on condition of anonymity.

Another senior police officer, requesting anonymity, said that they faced a little problem in immediately sending the dog and bomb squad, but they took control of the situation.

“The dog and bomb quad has around 20 members,” the officer said. We have divided those members according to the call. We have also instructed them not to rush.

There was chaos in city schools on Wednesday morning as parents started pulling their children out of the classrooms, some of them crying. All this amidst the loud sirens of fire tenders and sniffer dogs roaming around.