Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], The bodies of three Indian students who drowned in Russia reached Mumbai airport late on Thursday night.

It is noteworthy that four Indian students studying at Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University located in Veliky Novgorod, Russia, drowned in the Volkhov River on June 7.

The three students whose bodies were brought back to India included Jishan Ashpak Pinjari, Zia Firoz Pinjari and Harshal Anantrao Desale.

The Indian Embassy in Russia had issued an advisory on Friday last week urging to be extremely careful while visiting water bodies.

The Indian Embassy in Moscow said, "Unfortunate incidents of Indian students drowning in Russia occur from time to time. Four Indian students have lost their lives in such incidents so far this year."

Furthermore, the embassy also revealed some past data for 2023 and 2022 and said, "There were two incidents in the year 2023 and six cases of death due to drowning of Indian students in 2022."

Therefore, the Embassy urges Indian students in Russia to be extremely careful while visiting beaches, rivers, lakes, ponds and other water bodies. Students are advised to take all necessary precautions and safety measures in this regard.

Four Indian students from Maharashtra's Jalgaon district, who were studying at a university in Russia, drowned in the Volkhov river there, the External Affairs Ministry said, adding that a fifth student has been rescued safely.