“The objective of the manifesto is to eliminate poverty,” he said.

He said at least 15 crore people have been lifted out of poverty in the last 10 years and the manifesto promises to lift another 25 crore people out of the Below Poverty Line (BPL) category.

“It has also promised people infrastructure, houses and toilets. Under Surya Ghar Yojana, electricity can be generated through solar energy which will also be extended to help the farmers. For girl students, a new scheme ‘Lakshya Paat Didi’ will cater to the needs of 3 crore women,” he said.

He said that the manifesto will increase the quality of life of the people and poverty will also go away.

“Congress has announced the plans irresponsibly because they know they will not come back to power. Our manifesto is a highly responsible document,” he said.