New Delhi [India], BJP party has set the ambition of making India a global manufacturing hub in its Lok Sabha manifesto released on Sunday. The BJP government at the Center has been aggressively campaigning with global corporates to invest in India over the past ten years. In its two five-year terms, the BJP said it has made significant progress in the manufacturing sector, including a series of Also includes the launch of. Programs like Make in India, production linked-incentive, simplification of compliances to expand manufacturing “We will further harness the potential of manufacturing in creating employment opportunities and expanding economic activity,” the BJP manifesto said. "We believe that our talent in research and design can be best appreciated for the expansion of the manufacturing sector. We also understand the need for self-reliance and flexibility in global value chains," the BJP said in a statement. Under the Make In programme, India has emerged as a major economy sector with notable success in manufacturing electronics, defence, mobile and automobile, “We will focus on domestic defense manufacturing and made India will massively expand exports of defense equipment," the BJP said. In the last ten years, the BJP said the government led by it has established a US$100+ billion electronics manufacturing industry, making India one of the leading electronics manufacturers in the world. There is an engineering and design service centre, where human complex products are being designed."We will become a major product nation based on this strength. Combine our strength in product design services with manufacturing," the BJP said. Based on the principles of PM-Gatishakti, the BJP party said that I would like to balance regional development. "I will develop industrial cities in various industrial corridors across the country," I said, adding that it will also launch an initiative to promote balanced regional development in all the districts of the country. Under this initiative, branding, promotion and export of On District One Product (ODOP) products will be encouraged. In its manifesto, the party promises to promote manufacturing, research and development in the railway sector to make the country a leading global railway manufacturing hub.To make India a global aviation manufacturing and MRO hub, the BJP said I will bring in a commercial aircraft manufacturing ecosystem. For this we will formulate a policy for aerospace manufacturing in the country and try to develop our own passenger aircraft. For the pharma sector, it stressed that it will expand Research Linked Incentive Schemes, encouraging companies to invest in research into new drugs, chemical compounds and new biologics.