New Delhi: The Congress on Saturday hit out at the BJP over Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's alleged comment that electoral bonds will be introduced after deliberations, alleging that after looting Rs 4 lakh crore of the public, they are "continuing to loot". Want to keep."

Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh's attack on the BJP came after Sitharaman told Hindustan Times that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) intends to launch some form of electoral strategy after consultation with all stakeholders if returned to power after the 2024 general elections. To bring back the bond.

In a post on X, Ramesh said, "Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced that if BJP returns to power, they will bring back electoral bonds, which the Supreme Court has declared unconstitutional and illegal!"

He alleged, “We know that BJP looted Rs 4 lakh crore from the public in the #PayP scam. Now they want to continue the loot.”

What Ramesh described were the “four ways of PayPM”.

"Prepaid bribes - give donations, take business. Postpaid bribes - give contracts, take bribes. Combined cost of pre-paid and post-paid bribes: Rs 3.8 lakh crore," Rams said.

"Bribery after raids - weeks recovery. Cost of bribes after raids: Rs 1,853 crore Shell companies - money laundering. Cost of shell companies: Rs 419 crore," he said.

"This is the most important election of our lifetime. Thankfully, as is clear from reports on the ground, this corrupt brigade is on its way!" The Congress leader claimed.

In February, the Supreme Court ruled that the Electora Bond Scheme should be cancelled.

Following the apex court's direction, State Bank of India, which was the authorized seller of electoral bonds, shared data on electoral bonds, which was later made public.

The Congress has alleged that the electoral bond data has exposed the BJP's "corrupt tactics" such as providing company "protection" against bribes and donations.