Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) [India], Mallika Nadda, wife of BJP chief JP Nadda, while extending best wishes on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti, said that the enthusiasm among the people has doubled with the construction of Ram temple. Speaking to ANI, Mallika Nadda said, "I extend my best wishes to everyone on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti. Hanuman Jayanti has always had importance. However, with the construction of Ram temple, the enthusiasm among the people has doubled. BJP national president JP Nadda also extended his best wishes on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti. “I wish all the people of the country a very happy Hanuman Jayanti,” he said. May everyone's life be filled with strength, wisdom and knowledge. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah extended their wishes on I wish all the best to the members. Pawanputra's dedication will always remain." May he remain a source of inspiration for all Ram devotees. I wish that with his blessings, the determination of a developed India gets new energy. Happy Shri Hanuman Janmotsav to all. Bajrangbali may you wish strength, intelligence, On this auspicious occasion, devotees observe fast and worship the deity to please Sankatmochan and Lord Hanuman. Chant Hanuman mantras to establish relationships.