Agartala (Tripura) [India], BJP leaders in Agartala highlighted 'significant' turnout, which reached almost 80 per cent, indicating strong participation despite the scorching heat, addressing a press conference at the state office in Krishnanagar. While speaking, State BJ President Rajib Bhattacharya expressed his gratitude towards the voters, media personnel, police staff, polling officials and polling agents for their unwavering effort and patience in facilitating the smooth electoral process. Bhattacharya stressed the peaceful nature of the elections in both West and East Tripura Lok Sabha constituencies. Proudly noting that this election continued the state's history of non-violent voting, he addressed the allegations of the opposition parties, dismissing them as baseless and accusing them of attempting to mislead voters with their claims, "The opposition's complaints are tantamount to childish tantrums, which stem from him." own agenda rather than any concrete issue in the electoral process,” Sai Bhattacharya said, adding that BJP leaders expressed confidence in the democratic process and reiterated their commitment to maintain peace and order during the elections. The high voting percentage was seen as evidence of the strong democratic spirit of the people of Tripura. As the election process draws to a close, the BJP in Tripura appears optimistic about the outcome and criticized the opposition for undue disruptions and allegations. continues to do. , Final voter turnout, expected to be close to 80%, underlines the state's commitment to active participation in the democratic process.