Dharwad (Karnataka) [India], BJP National President JP Nadda on Sunday highlighted the significant increase in funding for Karnataka by the Government of India, which was earlier Rs 80,000 crore and has now been increased to Rs 2.93 lakh crore. Congress released an advertisement showing how much funds they were giving to Karnataka. Today, the Government of India has increased Karnataka's funding by 4 times. How is Congress able to blame the central government? They forgot that they used to give Rs 80,00 crore to Karnataka and today, PM Modi gives Rs 2.93 lakh crore.'' The slogan was 'Garibi Hatao', there was 50% poverty. When Indira Gandhi said 'eliminate poverty', there was 60% poverty. Raji Gandhi believed that only 15 paise out of 1 rupee reaches the poor. End poverty in one go, which he could not do in 60 years. This happened because of his 'drawing room' politics. Nadda stressed the effectiveness of the current poverty alleviation scheme under the Modi government, especially the 'Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana', which he described as the world's largest scheme for the poor. He said, "80 crore people are getting free ration every year." Of the 8 crore in the month, 4 crore are from Karnataka, "As a result of this scheme, 25 crore people who were below the poverty line are no longer above the poverty line as per the IMF and NITI Aayog."

Earlier, BJP President JP Nadda attacked the United Progressive Alliance (UPA government) and said that they did corruption, promoted nepotism, ate cream, had fun and forgot the public.

Taking aim at the UPA government, Nadda said, "What happened during the UP government? They did corruption, promoted nepotism, ate the cream, had fun and forgot the people."