New Delhi [India], Taking a dig at former Indian Overseas Congress president Sam Pitroda's controversial comment "People in the East look like Chinese, people in the South look like Africans...", Tamil Nadu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Chief K Annamala said there is nothing wrong in looking like an African or a Chinese. The mentality and thinking of the Congress believe that India is the land of invaders and we are the descendants of the invaders. And that's why his comment is sexist, vulgar and offensive. Annamalai said, "We are descendants of these people, not 'Indians'." On Pitroda's remarks, he said, "It is not only disgusting for us, but it also reflects the mentality of the Congress and that is why your PM says we want a Congress-free India." Earlier in the day, Sam Pitroda, speaking on India's diversity, told Firestorm how people from the South "look like Africans, people from the West look like Arabs and people from the East look like Chinese." Pitroda in an interview with 'The Statesman' Reflecting on democracy in India, he said in the interview, “We have been living in a very happy environment for 75 years, where people can live together except for a few conflicts here and there, in a diverse country like India, where people in the past. People in the West look like Chinese, people in the North look like Whites, and maybe people in the South look like Africans. Sam Pitroda caused a huge political uproar after his remarks embarrassed the Congress in the election season. Resigned from the post of President of Indian Overseas Congress on Wednesday. Shri Sam Pitroda has decided to resign from the post of President of Indian Overseas Congress on his own will. Congress General Secretary Jairam Ramesh told X, the Congress President has accepted his decision.