Hours after AAP elected Atishi as Delhi's chief minister, Deputy Chief Minister Choudhary said, "While I consider Lalu Prasad Yadav to be the most corrupt leader of the country for serving multiple jail terms in various cases like the fodder scam, Yes, Kejriwal has gone ahead of him." Corruption. Despite being accused of corruption, he did not resign and ran the Delhi government from jail."

Stepping up his attack on the AAP supremo, Deputy Chief Minister Chaudhary said, "Kejriwal is a corrupt leader and liquor seller. I have never seen a more shameless Chief Minister than him."

Meanwhile, criticizing Kejriwal, Bihar minister Nitin Nabin questioned the timing of his resignation and suggested possible motives or underlying reasons behind the decision.

Nabeen said, "Why did Arvind Kejriwal, facing corruption charges, not resign on moral grounds while in jail? Kejriwal is now resigning while out on bail and amid speculations of upcoming elections in Delhi within six months." It's a political gimmick." ,

BJP leader and former Union minister Rajiv Chandrashekhar on Tuesday said AAP leader Atishi, who has been named as the next Chief Minister of Delhi, will be a big personality as everyone knows who will run the government.

On September 15, Kejriwal announced his resignation as Delhi CM, drawing criticism from various quarters. Political parties including BJP, Congress and JDU have termed it a political stunt.

AAP Parliamentary Board has chosen Atishi as Kejriwal's successor.

Delhi Minister Gopal Rai announced that Atishi had been unanimously elected Chief Minister of Delhi.

Rai confirmed that Atishi will hold the post till the next state assembly elections.