Washington, DC [US], US President Joe Biden on Wednesday said he will urge US Trade Representative Katherine Tai to block steel and steel from China if an investigation into the Chinese government's trade practices confirms it is 'anti-competitive'. Consider tripling the tariff rates for aluminum imports. Practice.' During his address at the United Steelworkers headquarters in Pittsburgh, Biden said, "Look, right now, my U.S. Trade Representative is investigating trade practices by the Chinese government with respect to steel and aluminum. If the investigation finds these anti-competitive trade practices If the government confirms the deal, I'm asking them to consider tripling the tariff rates for both steel imports and aluminum imports from China.'' He pointed out how Chinese steel companies were dumping surplus steel on global markets at low prices because they did not have to worry about profits."As long as they have fair competition the American steelworkers can outcompete, stay ahead of the competition. But for too long, the Chinese government has poured state money into Chinese steel companies, and they have to make so much steel. "As much as possible is subsidized by the Chinese government," Biden said, "since Chinese steel companies produce far more steel than China needs, I see the excess steel being sold to global markets at unfairly low prices." I dump in the U.S. and prices are unreasonably low because Chinese steel companies don't have to worry about making a profit because the Chinese government is so heavily subsidizing. They are not competing. And we've seen the damage here in America." Reflecting on the impact of Chinese steel imports on American workers, Biden recalled the loss of more than 14,000 jobs in the steel towns of Pennsylvania and Ohio between 2000 and 2010. He vowed to prevent a repeat of such losses. Biden said that Chinese steel and aluminum were being imported into the U.S. He planned to meet with Mexican President AMLO to resolve the issue. He said that Mexico and America are going to work together to resolve this issue."My administration is also taking a close look at the Chinese government's industrial practices when it comes to global shipbuilding, which is vital to our economy," he said. Depend on the fleet." Said. "Shipbuilding is vital to our national security, including the naval strength of the United States. That's why my administration takes it very seriously that the American Steelworkers, along with four other unions, have asked us to investigate "Whether the Chinese government is using anti-competitive practices to artificially lower prices in the shipbuilding industry," he said.He stressed that the US government will take action if the Chinese government uses unfair tactics to undermine free and fair trade competition in the shipping industry. "And if the Chinese government is doing this and adopting unfair tactics to undermine free and fair trade competition in the shipping industry, I will take action. This is under investigation. Overall, these are strategic and targeted actions that "They are going to protect America." To ensure workers and fair competition, he said, US Steel must remain fully American-owned and American-operated.He said, "U.S. Steel has been an iconic American company for more than a century. And it must remain a completely American company – American-owned, American-operated, by American union steelworkers – the best in the world and continue to be so." Going. I promise you."