Washington, the leader of the progressive movement, Senator Bernie Sanders, set on Sunday a series of conditions to support the current US president, Joe Biden, in the November presidential elections.

"We need a strong agenda that benefits working families and not just wealthy campaign contributors. The American people want change. It will be a change from Trump's reactionary and xenophobic policies, or a change that benefits working families "Sanders, the independent senator from Vermont, said in a statement.

Widely popular among young people and the working class, Sanders is considered the leader of the country's powerful progressive movement, which now has considerable control over the ruling Democratic Party.

"Biden and the Democrats can win this election if they address the needs of the working class," Sanders said.

The statement becomes important given that Biden's campaign is experiencing a crisis after the president's poor performance during the June 27 debate against his Republican rival Trump.

"They must confront the greed of corporate America and the huge inequality of income and wealth, raise the minimum wage to a living wage, expand Medicare to cover dental, vision and hearing services, reduce child poverty by making the tax credit permanent "The very rich pay their fair share to Social Security so we can expand benefits and extend their creditworthiness, cancel medical debt, and build the low-income and affordable housing we desperately need," Sanders said .

Notably, the progressive had signed a memorandum of understanding with the Biden campaign during the 2020 presidential election. After the signing of the MoU, the progressives did everything they could to support Biden and played a key role in his victory in the elections. November 2020 elections.

On CBS' "Face the Nation," Sanders said, "Biden is old... But what we have to focus on is the policies, whose policies have benefited and will benefit the vast majority of the people of this country." "

"Who has the guts to take on corporate America? Who's talking about expanding Medicare to cover dental, hearing and vision? Who's talking about raising the cap on taxes people pay into insurance Social Security, so we can increase Social Security benefits? and extend the life of social security by 75 years?

"Who's talking about a permanent child tax credit to reduce child poverty in America by 50 percent? Those are the things (Biden) has talked about... This is not a beauty pageant or a Grammy Awards contest. Who supports? The vast majority of this country, the elderly, the children, the working class, the poor? That candidate is, obviously, Joe Biden," Sanders said.