Addressing the event, CM Siddaramaiah said, "Bengaluru Tech Summit (BTS), the flagship program of the Government of Karnataka, has been an important initiative of our state government for the last 26 years."

BTS provides an influential platform to bring together the best minds in technology and innovation. It is Asia's largest technology conference which will be held from November 19 to 21, 2024.

“The theme of the 27th edition of Bengaluru Tech Summit is Breaking Boundaries. The theme emphasizes the importance of collaboration between different sectors to promote innovation,” said senior Congress leader Siddaramaiah.

“Let us continue to dream big, work together and make Karnataka the undisputed leader in technology and innovation. And as part of this mission, I look forward to your suggestions and opinions to take our state to new heights in technology-driven industry and seek your active participation in BTS 2024 and make it a huge success, ”CM Siddaramaiah said.

Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar appealed, "The world sees India through Bengaluru. Our government is committed to the development of Bengaluru. Entrepreneurs, employees should not leave Bengaluru and go to neighboring states."

“Karnataka welcomes people from all over the world and across the country without any restrictions. As entrepreneurs prosper, so do job seekers. Economic and national strength is growing,” he stressed.

“Around 1.4 crore people from across the country have settled in Bengaluru and the pressure on the city should be reduced. Therefore, an environment for setting up industries should be created in all parts of the state. About Rs 8,000 crore of CSR funds should be used for rural education,” suggested Deputy Chief Minister Shivakumar.