State BJP sources said it has been decided to hold an urgent meeting with office-bearers of all district and block-level committees to chalk out a plan to address the weaknesses ahead of the assembly elections in 2026.

“Special attention is being given to those Lok Sabha seats which the party failed to retain this time. Attention will also be given to those seats where the party candidates lost by less than one lakh votes,” said a BJP state committee member.

He also said that some booth-level committees do not give a true picture of the organizational structure at the ground level.

“Ahead of the elections, many booth-level committees reported that they would be able to deploy polling agents at all booths. However, when the voting process started it was seen that our agents could not be deployed at some booths.

"The state committee is now serious about presenting the correct picture to the party leadership through booth level committees so that corrective measures can be taken in time," he said.

The state committee member also said that it is necessary to hold meetings with grassroots committees so that the message can be given to the grassroots level workers not to be disappointed by the election results and instead work more closely with the local people keeping 2026 in mind. To focus on deeper conversations. assembly elections.