Quetta [Balochistan], Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP) led protest camp demanding safe recovery of missing persons completed its 5496th day in front of Quetta Press Club. According to a report in the Balochistan Post, Sibghatullah, the coordinator of the Baloch Yakjehti Makran Committee, along with others, visited the camp to express solidarity with the families.

Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP) is an organization dedicated to advocating for the safe recovery of people who have gone missing in Balochistan, allegedly due to actions of Pakistani security forces.

The organization, led by figures such as Mama Qadeer Baloch, has been actively involved in peaceful protests and advocacy efforts to draw attention to the issue of enforced disappearances in the region. VBMP's persistent efforts include maintaining a protest camp in front of the Quetta Press Club for several thousand days, with the aim of pressuring authorities and international organizations to address the plight of the missing Baloch people and their families.

The Balochistan Post reported that Mama Qadeer Baloch, vice-president of the VBMP, emphasized during his address to the visitors that for the last seventy years, the Baloch community has been fighting for independence. She cited the historical absence of media coverage and political awareness among the Baloch, which has led to limited formal documentation.

However, since 2000, there has been a gradual increase in political and intellectual maturity among the Baloch as they continue their struggle.

Mama Qadeer Baloch denounced Pakistani forces for forcibly abducting Baloch youth, citing violations of international human rights laws. She criticized Pakistan for disposing of the bodies of the abducted youth, while praising the disciplined approach of the Baloch community in peacefully seeking their recovery.

She highlighted the VBMP's continued efforts to collaborate with human rights organisations, emphasizing its peaceful struggle for the Baloch youth.

Enforced disappearances in Balochistan involve the systematic abduction of people, including activists, journalists and civilians, by state security forces or associated groups. This practice occurs without legal proceedings or disclosure of your location.

The problem has persisted over time and is associated with accusations of human rights violations, lack of transparency in governance, and efforts to suppress the opposition. These disappearances create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty that deeply affects families and communities struggling for answers and accountability for their missing family members.