Paris [France], In the wake of increasing interference by Chinese authorities in Balochistan, President of Baloch Voice Association (BVA), Muni Mengal, on Monday held a meeting with French Senator Hervé Renaud, BVA SAI, in an official statement. During the meeting, the two dignitaries discussed a comprehensive document highlighting the deep concerns of the Baloch people regarding China's involvement and projects in Balochistan. The meeting was held amid Chinese President Xi Jinping's ongoing visit to Europe. Mengal highlighted the important issues of the Baloch people regarding the Chinese initiatives within Balochistan, on which the local population does not agree "Balochistan, currently under the occupation of Pakistan, faces the challenge posed by the implementation of various projects and agreements The BVA president also said that Pakistan, as a forceful occupier, has the legitimate right to make agreements or grant concessions over the territory or resources of Balochistan. Not there. The agreements signed by Pakistan with foreign entities, including China, do not represent the will or consent of the Baloch people.Mengal further said in his statement that there is a need for greater scrutiny and accountability in enterprises related to Chinese involvement in Balochistan. Additionally, Mengal expressed the urgent need for international attention and action on the plight of the Baloch people. Furthermore, Senator Renaud acknowledged the seriousness of the concerns raised by the Baloch activist and advocated for a thorough investigation of these issues within the French legislative framework. Assured his commitment to do so. , Mengal regularly raises his voice on the international stage, calling for solutions to the growing issue of enforced disappearances in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces of Pakistan, at past sessions of the UNHRC. In his intervention, Baloch Voice Association President Munir Mengal drew attention. The council noted a serious humanitarian crisis is unfolding in the region of Balochistan, where people's fundamental rights and freedoms are "systematically being violated by the Government of Pakistan".He particularly drew attention to the worrying issue of disappearances in Balochistan, Munir said, “Enforced disappearances are an extremely worrying and inhumane practice that has been going on in Balochistan for too long. Thousands of innocent people are dying without a trace. have disappeared, their whereabouts unknown." And their families have been left in pain and uncertainty. This issue not only violates the most basic human rights but also undermines the principles of justice and accountability for which the United Nations stands.