Pediatricians Bhavesh Doshi and Neetu Mundra treated the child with a condition called 'ano rectal malformation' (ARM), which means the child did not have a rectal opening.

Additionally, the child's tongue was stuck to the floor of the mouth (tongue-tie), and his penis was bent and the urinary outlet was misplaced or had hypospadias.

parents of newborn

Whom the doctors admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of the hospital and put him on parenteral nutrition as breastfeeding was not possible.

Mundra said ARM is rare, seen only once in about a lakh deliveries, and in the delivery room, all newborns are thoroughly examined from head to toe to detect any abnormalities. Especially if they were born with a problem.

“In this child, when we diagnosed ARM, we examined him thoroughly and found tongue-tie, which could be affecting his feeding and also causing difficulty in speaking and hypospadias.After advising the parents, multiple surgeries were performed on the child,” Mundra said.

These included five procedures such as colostomy, anal reconstruction, colostom closure to address ARM issues, as well as surgeries for hypospadias and tongue-tie.

The ARM repair was performed in three surgical stages, which included a temporary opening to enable stool to pass and the baby to be fed. Two months later a four-hour long operation was performed to create a new anus in the normal position, and after two more months, another surgery was performed to close the colostom.

Doctors said that during this surgery, the hole made in the abdominal wall was closed and the baby is now moving normally through that hole.Eight months after the surgery, a major hypospadias surgery was performed to bring the child's urethra back to normal position, which was also successful and the child can now urinate without any difficulty.

The baby is now one year old and is acting like other children of his age after undergoing five surgeries in the first 12 months of his life.