Ahmedabad, Authorities in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, ordered a private school to close its campus and launched an investigation after parents alleged that the management tried to conceal a fire on its premises by calling it a "mock drill", an official said on Friday. .

School authorities have claimed that the fire that broke out on Thursday was minor and was put out within five minutes, but parents alleged that management called it a "mock drill" when they inquired after learning about their children's ordeal.

Learning about the parents' protest at Shanti Asian School in Bopal area, District Education Officer (Rural) Krupa Jha reached the spot and ordered an inquiry into the parents' allegations.

Talking to reporters, Jha said, "Prima facie, we find negligence on the part of the school. We will conduct a detailed investigation into the incident and conduct a safety audit to ensure that the building is safe for children. We will take strict action against those who are found." guilty after investigation."

He said the school premises will remain closed to students until the investigation is launched and that classes will be held online during this time.

"Education Minister Kuber Dindor contacted us and informed us that all necessary measures will be taken," the official said.

On Friday morning, several parents rushed to the school and alleged that although there was a fire and resulting smoke on the premises on Thursday afternoon, management claimed that students were evacuated as part of a "drill drill." .

"CCTV footage clearly shows a fire in an air conditioning unit in a basement room, where students gather for activities. Our children were evacuated by teachers due to smoke in the premises. However, when we enquired, the management told us that "It was a drill and there was no such incident," said one angry parent.

Another parent claimed that the school management immediately painted that room and changed the switchboard to cover up the incident and mislead parents and officials.

Meanwhile, school principal Abhay Ghosh claimed that the fire was minor and was put out within five minutes.

"We did not hide anything. Our trained staff immediately took control of the situation. It was not a major fire. The smoke was more than the actual fire. There was a misunderstanding on someone's part that it was a mock drill. If parents feel that we were hiding something, we are ready to apologize," Ghosh said.