New Delhi [India], On World Intellectual Property (IP) Day, the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) launched a Organized round table discussion. According to a press release, the event held on April 26 brought together eminent legal experts, industry professionals and representatives from various ministries and government departments to address the key concerns facing the gamine industry. The Indian gaming industry is currently worth US$3.49 billion. Experienced significant growth, attracting many startups and game developers, including over 900 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Despite the significant market and growth in game developers, India lags behind countries like the United States, China and France.o Protecting intellectual property rights of interactive electronic games One of the key challenges highlighted during the discussion was the conceptual battle, where skill-based interactive electronic games are often confused with online gambling or betting games. This misconception has hindered efforts to protect new elements. o Electronic gaming and the industry have been a constant concern for stakeholders. Justice Pratibha M Singh, Judge, Delhi High Court, was present as the Chief Guest on the occasion, along with legal luminaries like Amit Sibal (Senior Advocate), Dev Robinson (Partner & Partner). National Practice Head--IPR, Shardu Amarchand Mangaldas & Co.), and Saikrishna Rajagopal, Managing Partner Saikrishna & Associates, the event also saw participation from senior lawyers, government officials and representatives of the gaming industry, the discussion revolved around the urgent need for security -Kept moving around.Unique elements and manifestations of interactive games beyond the fundamental game rules While some argued that existing intellectual property laws could provide adequate protection, others stressed the need for specific measures tailored to the gaming industry, participants expressed various concerns about protection. Methods suggested, including treatment with online interactive games. Using the Patent Act, 1970 to protect innovative game elements, such as 'computer programs' under the Copyright Act, 1957, they also drew parallels with international practices, such as the protection of audio-visual material under US copyright law. Protection and Validation Original Under Danish copyright law there was a consensus that only skill-based games are permitted under the law and the online gaming rules recently issued by the Ministry of Information Technology provide much-needed clarity on permitted games. Enforcing these rules is considered important for the safety of users. The discussion against the harms associated with illegal gaming platforms ended with the recognition that a concerted effort is needed on the part of both the judiciary and the legislative branch to strike a balance between encouraging the public dissemination of gaming content and its creation. There was consensus that while technological advances may require new legislation, immediate recognition and protection of gaming innovations should come from the judiciary.This incident marked the beginning of a broader discussion on intellectual property in the gaming industry, indicating the industry's desperate need for protection and recognition of its innovations.