Low-dose aspirin is usually taken to prevent preeclampsia.

The study, led by an international team from RMIT University in Australia in collaboration with a team from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, investigated whether treatments for preeclampsia could be applied to flu infections.

They found very promising results in animal studies – aspirin doses reduced inflammation and improved fetal development and offspring survival.

In contrast, the fetuses and placentas of mice with influenza A were smaller than those of uninfected mice. They also found low blood oxygen and poor blood vessel development in the fetuses.

Lead researcher Dr Stella Leong, a post-doctoral research student at RMIT University in Melbourne, said flu infection during pregnancy could mimic preeclampsia, a complication of pregnancy that causes inflammation in the aorta and blood vessels.

She explained: "When the vascular system becomes inflamed, it impairs blood flow and affects the function of the aorta."

"This is particularly a problem during pregnancy where good blood flow to the placenta is important for fetal development."

While the research still awaits human clinical trials, Leong said low-dose aspirin is already considered safe to take during pregnancy.

However, pregnant people should seek medical advice before taking new medications, the research team said.