Japanese goalkeeper Takumi Kitagawa was outstanding in the post to ensure his team ended their campaign at the prestigious event on a winning note.

The goals were scored by Kazumasa Matsumoto (3', 37'), Yuki Chiba (24') and Seren Tanaka (59') for Japan in regulation time, while Kosei Kawabe, Matsumoto, Tanaka and Tsubasa Tanaka scored in the shootout. penalties.

For Malaysia, Akhimullah Anuar (5'), Faizal Saari (21', 32') and Fitri Saari (47') scored for Malaysia in regulation time, while Faizal and Norsyafiq Sumantri scored in the penalty shootout.

The match was played evenly between both teams. In the first quarter, Japan dominated ball possession and created three possible shots on goal. The initial attack paved the way for a Matsumoto field goal in the 3rd minute. However, they were unable to maintain the 1-0 lead, as Anuar tied it just two minutes later, when Malaysia created a PC. They managed to increase the lead to 2-1 in the next quarter when the experienced Faizal Saari scored in the 21st minute.

The match continued to be exciting as Japan caught the Malaysian defense completely off guard when Japan's Yuki Chiba scored a field goal in the 24th minute, bringing the score to a 2-2 stalemate.

After the ten-minute break, Malaysia came back with a vengeance to stay ahead. A tactical attack in the 32nd minute led to a penalty corner, which Saari brilliantly converted, becoming his second of the game.

The 3-2 lead put Malaysia in a good position. But five minutes later, Matsumoto scored a splendid field goal that he tied once again.

The contest reached the final quarter, where both teams scored a goal each, taking the game to a penalty shootout. It was Fitri Saari who helped Malaysia regain the lead, making it 4-3 with his field goal, but their defenders were unable to maintain the lead. Seren Tanaka scored a nice field goal in the 59th minute, taking the game to a penalty shootout. .

The hero of the match, Kitagawa of Japan, said: "We are happy to end our campaign on a winning note. We never gave up until the end and wanted to win this game, giving everything."