Addressing an election rally, he said that "the Razakars have captured Hyderabad, HM Amit Shah insulted India's first Home Minister Sardar Vallabhbha Patel and rubbed salt on the wounds of all those who sacrificed and those who faced difficulties".

Owaisi also wanted to know from the Union Home Minister whether Hyderabad is not an integral part of India.

He said that HM Amit Shah should know that the Razakars have fled to Pakistan but the 'wafadaars' (loyal ones) have remained there.

The AIMIM chief, who is seeking re-election for the fifth consecutive time, reacted strongly to HM Amit Shah's remarks at a road show in Hyderabad on Wednesday.

BJ candidate K. Addressing a road show at Lal Darwaza in the old city in support of Madhavi Lata, HM Amit Shah had said that representatives of the Razakars have been sitting in Parliament for the last 40 years.

Owaisi said, "There are no Razakars here. Razakars have fled to Pakistan. The loyalists are standing here."

He said, "Our Hindu brothers also live here. Dalits, backward class people, Maratha Rajasthanis, Munnur Kapus, Gaurs, Yadavs, Pardis, Scheduled Tribes all live here. You only see Razakars."