Salem (Tamil Nadu) [India], Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has warned of heat wave to severe heat wave in many parts of Gangetic West Bengal, isolated parts of Sub Himalayan West Bengal, parts of North Odisha, East is predicted. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rayalaseema, Telangana Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Karaikal, and Kerala for 27 to 28 April. "Heavy to severe heat wave is likely to occur in many parts of the country," the IMD said in a post on Friday. Heat wave conditions are likely in parts of Gangetic West Bengal, isolated areas of Sub Himalayas, parts of northern Odisha and eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rayalaseema, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Karaikal, Kerala and Mahe and interior Karnataka. There is a possibility. For April 2 and April 28.In an interview with ANI, Dr Anusuya, child specialist at Arogya Mahila Kendra in Salem, Tamil Nadu, shared tips to deal with extreme heat and stay safe and ways to take care of pregnant women, newborns. And small children should wear only cotton clothes and avoid stepping out of homes during 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. They should try to consume more fluids in the form of buttermilk or coconut water and increase the intake of water-rich fruits like cucumber and watermelon. It is important to increase water intake to maintain the amount of fluid in their uterus. And hence they should wear cotton clothes.For newborns, Dr. Anusuya advises mothers to pay attention to how much the baby is urinating in a day. She said, "Excessive sweating can cause skin problems and dehydration, so it is important for mothers to monitor how much the baby urinates during the day. If the baby does not urinate for more than a day, the baby is dehydrated. Is." The doctor has also advised mothers to dress their babies only in cotton clothes and bathe them two or three times a day. Regarding small children who are playing outside, the doctor said it is important for them to avoid playing in open fields during peak summer hours, which is from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.“They should either play or play indoors.” In the shade and increase water intake,'' he said, the IMD has also said that heat wave to severe heat wave conditions are likely to continue over East and South Peninsular India for the next five days.