Islamabad, Pakistan's government on Monday decided to deploy the army across the country to maintain law and order during Muharram, amid fears of attacks by militant groups on Shia protests.

Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, began on Monday.

Shia Muslims organize demonstrations during the first ten days of the month to commemorate the martyrdom of Hussein Ibne Ali, grandson of the Prophet of Islam.

The Ministry of the Interior decided to deploy regular army troops at the request of the provinces.

According to a notification issued by the ministry, details of the troop deployment, which will be implemented indefinitely, will be finalized with the authorities of the provinces concerned, including Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and Islamabad.

"The date of withdrawal of such deployment will be decided later after mutual consultations among all concerned parties," the notification states.

According to Islamic traditions, Hussein was killed along with at least 72 members of his family on the 10th of Muharram in the Karbala area of ​​present-day Iraq in 680 AD. by the forces of the Muslim ruler Yazid Ibne Muawia, who considered him a threat to his rule. .

Muslims generally observe his martyrdom as a symbol of resistance to tyranny, and Shia Muslims organize demonstrations culminating in large processions on the 9th and 10th of the month.

Sunni Muslims have a historical theological rivalry with Shiites, and Sunni extremist groups brand them as heretics and attack them through bombings; Pakistan has witnessed numerous such attacks in the past.

The government often deploys regular army troops to assist civilian law enforcement in keeping peace during Muharram.

To disrupt communication between militants, Pakistani governments took other security measures during Muharram, including suspending internet, cell phone and social media services.

Earlier, provincial governments, including Punjab, had requested that the federal government suspend social media platforms for a week to curb the spread of hate on the internet.

However, the Ministry of Home Affairs referred the matter to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, who is expected to decide on the request.