New Delhi [India], Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday criticized Union Home Minister Amit Shah for allegedly saying that people who are supporters of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) are "Pakistani". The AAP chief asked Shah not to abuse the people of the country but instead abuse him, "Yesterday Amit Shah had come to Delhi. There were less than 500 people in his meeting and he started abusing the people of the country continuously. Amit Shah said, Kejriwal said in a press conference on Tuesday, "The supporters of Aam Aadmi Party are Pakistanis." Kejriwal said that since people in Delhi, Punjab and Gujarat have voted for AAP in large numbers, they are all Pakistanis as well. To ask him why people in Delhi sent us to power with 62 seats and 56 percent vote share. Did the people of Punjab vote for us on 92 out of 117 seats?Are the people of Punjab Pakistani? The people of Gujarat have given us 14 percent votes. Do the people of Goa love us and trust us? The AA chief questioned, “In the panchayat and municipality elections in Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Madhya Pradesh and many parts of the country, the Aam Aadmi Party has been elected as panch, sarpanch, municipal mayor, councilor. Are they all Pakistanis? Are they all Pakistanis?" What are you talking about?" He said despite several denials from BJP, Kejriwal once again alleged that PM Modi was going to make Amit Shah his successor and urged him not to be arrogant, "Prime Minister Has chosen you as his successor. You have become arrogant over this." You have started abusing and threatening people! You have not yet become the Prime Minister and you have become so arrogant.The Delhi Chief Minister said that Shah will not become Prime Minister because the Bharatiya Janata Party is losing the Lok Sabha. Lok Sabha Elections "I want to inform you that you are not becoming PM. This is because people are not voting for BJP on 4th June. BJP is on its way, you should stop being so arrogant and abusing people. You should stop giving He said, “You have enmity with me. Abuse me, but not people." ) also came to Delhi. He also misbehaved with me.' Your enemies are in your party. What will you get by abusing me? You should fight against him from the post of PM and Amit Shah.