New Delhi [India], In a historic event strengthening bilateral relations in education and research, the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) has signed six Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with leading Indian institutions, Norwegian Embassy in India said. Said on this occasion on Friday. The growing interest in collaborative ventures between Norway and India was highlighted at a reception hosted by May-Elin Steiner, Norwegian Ambassador to India, Honorary Professor in the Norwegian delegation led by Jan-Gunnar Vinther, Pro-Rector of Research and Development at UIT. Were included. Spanning a diverse range of subjects including Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Machine Learning and Computer Science
The signing of the MoUs marks an important step towards promoting deeper cooperation in academic and research endeavors between the two countries. “I underline our mutual commitment to pursue knowledge exchange and collaborative research initiatives in key areas of mutual interest,” the embassy said. Apart from formal agreements, the delegation engaged in meaningful discussions with a lively gathering of Indian researchers and stakeholders. The interaction highlighted the possibilities of cross-border partnerships and underlined the paramount importance of promoting education and research as catalysts for social progress and innovation.
The event marks a milestone in the growing partnership between Norway and India paving the way for collaboration and exchange of expertise in education, research and innovation.