New Delhi [India], iPhone maker Apple has issued a series of new notifications to users in 91 other countries including India, cautioning them against 'Mercenary spyware' including the Pegasus malware that has caused significant hacking in recent days. Has given rise to controversies. These new alerts are also received by users in India, are part of precautionary measures warning owners about potential risks to their privacy and data security In October 2023, Apple has issued a warning to several people in the country, including Congress' Shashi Tharoor, Aam Aadmi Party A similar notification was sent to political leaders of various parties. Raghav Chadha, and Mahua Moitra of Trinamool Congress. The alert warned of a "potential state-sponsored spyware attack" targeting their iPhones. In 2021, the Supreme Court constituted a committee of technical experts to investigate allegations of unauthorized surveillance using Pegasus software developed by Israeli firm NSO Group.In August 2022, a Supreme Court-appointed committee concluded that spyware was not found in 29 mobile phones it examined, but malware was found in five mobile phones, Apple said, according to public reporting and research from civil society organizations, technology firms noted and on journalists, that individually targeted attacks of such extraordinary cost and complexity have historically been associated with state actors, including private companies developing mercenary spyware on their behalf, such as NSO Group. Pegasus said that, although deployed against a very small number of individuals – often journalists, activists, politicians and diplomats – mercenary spyware attacks have continued and have been on a global scale since 2021. has sent out threat alerts since it detected these attacks, and to date the company has notified more than 150 users in all countries. The "extreme cost, sophistication, and worldwide nature of mercenary spyware attacks make them the most advanced digital threat in existence today." Creates some of the dangers. As a result, Apple does not attribute the attacks or resulting thread notifications to any specific attackers or geographic regions, it said, adding that the phone maker provides additional steps in its notification that users can take to help protect their devices, Which also includes enabling lockdown mode. Apple has advised its users to update their devices with the latest security patches and to exercise caution when interacting with suspicious links or messages.