MELBOURNE - Supporters of imprisoned Australian citizen Yang Hengjun in China have urged Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to ask Chinese Premier Li Qiang to release the ailing author "on medical parole" or otherwise transfer him to Australia.

Ahead of the Albanese-Lee meeting in Canberra on Monday, Yang's supporters said in a statement that his "medical conditions remain serious and unresolved".

Yang's status will be one of the contentious issues raised during discussions between the leaders which is set to emphasize the positivity in the relationship. Li was welcomed with lunch at a winery near Adelaide on Sunday, with foreign Minister Penny Wong, Trade Minister Don Farrell and Agriculture Minister Murray Watt attended.

He also visited Adelaide Zoo and announced that two Chinese pandas there, which have long been a major tourist attraction but are about to go home, will be replaced by another pair.South Australia Premier Peter Malinauskas said the announcement was "a powerful signal of the stabilization of Australia-China relations". Upon arriving in Australia on Saturday, Li said in a statement issued by the Chinese Embassy that China-Australia bilateral relations "have achieved some ups and downs". "After the ups and downs, we are back on track."

Albanese said he would raise issues causing friction between the two countries in Monday's talks. These include recent incidents in which Australian military assets and personnel have been targeted by Chinese sonar and flares while operating in international waters.

The Australian government is hoping the visit will lead to restrictions on Australian lobster exports to China being lifted soon, although Farrell indicated he did not expect an immediate announcement.It is the last significant Australian product to face barriers arising from Chinese retaliation against the former coalition government. Farrell told Sky News that restrictions on about $20 billion of trade have been lifted since the Albany government came to power.

Lee will attend a state lunch in Canberra on Monday and also meet Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.

After Canberra he will travel to Western Australia, where he will tour a lithium processing plant. At lunch on Monday, Albanese will underline the importance of "ongoing dialogue" between the countries.“Whatever the issue, it is always better if we deal with each other directly. And continued, steady engagement helps build and maintain stability in our region,” the Prime Minister will say in remarks released ahead of the delivery.

In their relations, Australia and China “must always be ready to engage with each other as mature nations.” There is still much to be done, but it is clear that our countries are committed to stabilizing that important dialogue and "Making progress in rebuilding."

Highlighting their common interests, Albanese would say, "We will not always agree – and the points on which we disagree will not disappear if we leave them in silence".“We share the responsibility to overcome our differences and build and strengthen the foundation for cooperation in areas where we have mutual interests.” By creating channels of dialogue and building understanding we make it possible for benefits to flow. Trade , in business and education, in culture and in the arts.,

In their statement, Yang's supporters said they had "no basis to believe that he is receiving adequate medical treatment".

Previously, Wong had declined to discuss Yang's medical condition, citing "confidentiality." Asked on ABC whether he was aware that he was given proper medical treatment, Wong said, " I am obviously bound by confidentiality reasons about what I am going to say in a television interview.

"We will continue to advocate for Dr. Yang wherever we are able, and we will continue to advocate, including for appropriate medical treatment."

Yang's supporters say he has waived privacy concerns.Yang, who was born in China, faces charges of espionage, which he strongly denies. Earlier this year he was sentenced to death, although it will be commuted to life imprisonment after two years of good behaviour.

The Australian government has made repeated representations on their behalf and said it was shocked by the February decision.

The statement from supporters said: “Dr. Yang is innocent and his espionage conviction is fraudulent." Yang is an Australian political prisoner sentenced to death because of his writings in support of individual liberty, constitutional democracy, and the rule of law."Clearly, it is not possible to achieve a stable, respectful bilateral relationship with China while their officials are threatening to execute an Australian political prisoner without due legal process."

Australian journalists will have no opportunity to ask questions to Lee during his visit.(talk) RUPRUUP