If this trend continues, Jews in many countries will no longer be able to identify themselves in safety and freedom, according to reports by the Center for Contemporary European Jewish Studies at Tel Aviv University and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). In America.

For example, last year there was an average of about three bomb threats per day against synagogues and Jewish institutions in the US.

Professor Uriah Shavit said, "This is not the year 1938, not even 1933."

“Yet if current trends continue, the curtain will fall on the ability to live a Jewish life in the West – wearing the Star of David, attending synagogues at community centers, sending children to Jewish schools, going to Jewish clubs or bars on campus. - Speak Bar, or speak Hebrew.,

The report said anti-Semitism had been rising steadily in the months and years following the massacre by Hamas and other Palestinian extremist groups, but "October 7 helped fan a fire that was already out of control."

For example, in the US, where about 6 million Jews live, a total of about 3,50 anti-Semitic incidents were recorded between January and September 2023, while about 4,000 incidents were recorded in the last three months of the year.

The picture is similar in other countries such as Germany, where there were 1,360 anti-Semitic incidents from January to September last year, compared to 2,249 from October to December.

Other countries with large Jewish minorities also saw increases, including France, Britain, Australia, Italy, Brazil and Mexico.

The report, titled "Concerns for the Future of Jewish Life in the West", warns against interpreting this trend as a reaction to the humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip.This is because some of the most vile anti-Semitic statements regarding the conflict were made in the early days after October 7.

The authors write that anti-Semitism rears its head on both the far right and the far left – and spreads to the center of society, often through social media.sd/svn