New York [US], In a strong show of outrage, Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erda broke the UN Charter just before the UN General Assembly passed a resolution in support of Palestine's full membership. The UNGA voted overwhelmingly for a resolution on Friday. Palestine, which has UN observer status, will be made a full member of the Security Council. The resolution was passed by an overwhelming majority of 143 votes in favor, including India, while 25 countries abstained, and nine countries, including the United States and Israel, voted against it. Israeli envoy Erdan called the resolution a "clear violation" of the UN Charter and said it overturned a US veto in the Security Council last month.Erdan said he was "holding up a mirror" to the General Assembly member flouting the UN Charter, adding, "This day will go down in infamy. I want the whole world to remember this moment, this immoral “I want to keep that going.” This is a mirror up to you, so you can see exactly what damage you are doing to the UN Charter with this destructive vote. The Nazis, referring to Hamas, said, "Today, you are going to privilege and write off even the future geo-state of Hamas. You have opened the United Nations to modern Nazis, the Hitlers of our time...So this Is here.I present to you the future results of today's vote...soon-to-be President Yahya Sinwar, dictatorial President of the State of Hamas, sponsored by the United Nations, and he expresses his deep gratitude to the General Assembly,'' Israeli "At the end of my speech, I tore the 'UN Charter' into pieces to show what the Assembly is doing in its support," the envoy said, showing a photo of Sinwar, the head of Hamas in Gaza. Palestinian terrorism at the UN,'' Erdan later posted on calls on the Palestinian Authority – which should rule on Palestinian membership – to "reconsider the matter favourably", as reported by CNN Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz also condemned the passage of the resolution, calling it a Described as an "absurd decision" that exposes the "structural bias of the United Nations" and rewards actions. On October 7, on behalf of Hamas, CNN reported, "The message that the United Nations is sending to our suffering region: Violence pays off, he said." Award because he carried out the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Meanwhile, Palestinian envoy Riyad Mansour said the Palestinian Authority would now request full membership.Security Council However, the US has already warned that it would veto such a request in the Security Council – a repeat of its April veto of the Palestinian membership request last month, prompting the United States to block UN security. Had used his veto power. Council resolution on granting statehood to Palestine In a vote of 12–1, with one US veto and two abstentions, the UNSC did not adopt a draft resolution that would have allowed the General Assembly to hold a vote with the broader UN membership. Would have been recommended. To pass a draft resolution on Palestine's accession as a full UN member state, the UNSC must have at least nine members who are in favor of me and any one of its permanent members – China, France, Russia, Britain and America - may not be using their rights. Veto power as per UN document.