Paris [France], 5,500 years ago, two women were tied up and probably buried alive in a religious ritual in France, using a form of torture associated with the Italian mafia, as at the archaeological site Analysis of the discovered skeletons has revealed. CNN. Researchers investigated the unusual condition of three female skeletons found in the town of Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux in southwestern France in 1985, and concluded that two of the women had probably died from a form of torture known as " It is called "incapratemento". Incarceration involves tying a person's neck and ankles so that they eventually strangle themselves due to the position of their feet, CNN reports Researchers reviewed skeletons found at other archeological sites across Europe and Similla. The practice was relatively widespread in Neolithic, or Late Stone Age, Europe, according to a study published in the journal Science Advances that identified 20 other possible examples of sacrificial killings. The third woman found at the site was in a normal burial position and "we don't know how she died."" " But we can say that they put three women in the grave at the same time, said Eric Crubezi, one of the paper's lead authors and a biological anthropologist at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse. was aligned with sunrise on the summer solstice and sunset on the winter solstice, leading the study authors to speculate that the location served as a place where people gathered to mark the end of the season, "There's always this idea that someone is dying and crops up," Crubezi said, referencing beliefs in other cultures, such as the Inca practice in South America, which could have involved human sacrifice. Crubezi was part of the original team that excavated the site in 1985. But I wasn't there until the pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic and he and his colleagues were prepared to make such sacrifices. Began researching other examples, Additionally, researchers highlighted 20 other possible examples of over 2,000 people being sacrificed in a similar manner.In the Neolithic years, the study, reviewing the existing literature, said that the actual number was probably higher but that there was insufficient information to draw conclusions about skeletons at other archaeological sites "In different parts of Europe, it was the same It was a sacrifice of sorts." "This sacrifice is very special because it is brutal...and you have no blood and no one killed another, people killed themselves," Krubezi said. The study further emphasized that it It is impossible to prove formally that the women died in the same position in the tomb of Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux. Apart from their condition, that of being "laid on top of each other and intertwined with pieces of grindstone". That means they were deliberately forced there, "strongly suggesting that they probably died in the tomb," the study said, author Emmeline Alcoff, a doctoral student at Paul Sabatier University, said the study, according to CNN. By accurately measuring various pelvic bone characteristics the study could "say with 95 percent certainty that the three individuals were women", adding that other sites across Europe also found children, men and women sacrificed in this manner. In the future, researchers intend to analyze the familial relationships between the three women at Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, the study said Crubezi said.Investigate the unusual death rites seen in other tombs around the site, CNN reports.