London [UK], In its report titled 'The State of the World's Human Rights, April 2024' released on Tuesday, international human rights advocacy organization Amnesty International highlighted human rights abuses in China. The report documents 155 human rights concerns in 2023. Countries are engaging with the issues at the global and regional levels and looking forward to future impacts. It also provided an in-depth analysis of how human rights defenders campaigning for the rights of these communities are targeted as part of a broader repression of dissent. Referring to human rights abuses in China, the report mentions that national security is being used as an excuse.To prevent the exercise of rights including freedom of expression, association and assembly. Both online and offline discussions of many topics were subject to strict censorship. Huma rights defenders were among those who were arbitrarily detained and subjected to unfair trials. According to the same report, UN experts raised new concerns that government policies and programs are contributing to the destruction of the language and culture of ethnic groups, including Tibetans. Women's rights activists also had to face this.Harassment, intimidation, arbitrary detention and unfair trials. Civic space in Hong Kong continued to shrink as authorities imposed a blanket ban on peaceful protests and jailed pro-democracy activists, journalists, human rights defenders and others on national security-related charges. He also demanded the arrest of opposition activists who had fled abroad. Hong Kong courts have ruled in favor of the rights of some LGBTI people in several landmark cases. Furthermore, Chinese legal experts raised concerns that the lack of definition or scope of some of the proposed amendments would give authorities excessive power to restrict freedoms.The government continued to systematically target human rights defenders amid efforts to crush dissent and suppress civil rights, with numerous cases of prosecution, including of lawyers, scholars, journalist activists, and NGO workers on vaguely defined national security charges during the year. Came forward. Prominent activists were sentenced to lengthy prison terms, including legal scholar Xu Xiong and human rights lawyer Ding Jiax, who were sentenced in April to 14 and 12 years in prison respectively after being found guilty of "subversion of state power" in 2022. Was heard, as mentioned in the report. In terms of abuses on women's rights, the report cites that in February, authorities allowed women's and health rights defender He Fangmei to meet with her lawyers for the first time after nearly two and a half years of detention. She was awaiting the verdict of her May 2022 trial on charges of "bigamy" and "inciting quarrels and trouble" in relation to campaigning for safe vaccines and justice for children, including her daughter, whom she believes ​​​​​​His health was harmed. Unsafe Vaccines Following He Fangmei's detention, authorities reportedly placed her two young daughters in a psychiatric hospital and her son in foster care and prohibited other family members from visiting them.