Amy, who will soon be seen in the film 'Bad News', said, 'Working with Dharma Productions, Karan Johar, Anand Tiwari, Vicky Kaushal and Trupti Dimri is a dream. I hope to be a part of many more entertaining films in the future.”

The actor-singer calls it a big deal to come from Punjab and "work on these big entertainers".

“Earlier, Diljit (Dosanjh) came to Paaji and broke the image of Punjabi actors, which gave us a chance to do good work here. I hope to make Punjab and all of you proud with my work.

Amy said that "Bad News" is her first commercial entertainment film in Bollywood.

“And after being in the industry and working with incredible actors like Ranveer Singh, Ajay Devgan, Akshay Kumar and Vicky Paaji – all Punjabi – it was so much fun to work with them.”

He also jokingly pointed out the similarity between Punjabi and Hindi film industries.

“Working with the team was a great experience and the atmosphere on set was so fun. In the Punjab film industry, we start shooting as soon as we wake up; There are no alarms or schedules,” Ammi said.

He further added, "Here, they are extremely professional and start work so early and finish on time, unlike what we thought looking at the budget of the films here."

"Bad News" is releasing on July 19. Amy also has "Khel Khel Mein" ready for release.