Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan will be honored with the prestigious third Lata Dinanath Mangeshkar Award for his remarkable dedication towards the nation, its people and society, the Mangeshka family announced on Tuesday. Recipients include Prime Minister Narendra Modi and popular singer Asha Bhosle awarded the Bharat Ratna on February 6, 2022 and the Lata Deenanath Mangeshkar Award instituted by the Dinanath Mangeshkar Smriti Pratisthan in the memory of legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar is also given to many other celebrities for their outstanding contributions. Provided for. The Foundation decided to honor several others with the Master Dinanat Mangeshkar Award in their respective fields: music director AR Rahman and veteran Marathi actor Ashok Sara for music; Padmini Kolhapure for films; Singer Roopkumar Rathod for Indian music; actor Atul Parchure for Marathi theatre; and retired teacher and writer Manjiri Phadke for literature. Additionally, actor, producer and director Randeep Hooda received a special award for his contribution to cinema. Marathi play 'Ghalib' will receive the Mohan Wagh Award for Best Play. Deepstambh Foundation's Manola Project, which provides residential training to disabled persons, orphans and economically disadvantaged students, will be recognized for outstanding social service.Addressing the press during the announcement of the awards, music director Hridaynat Mangeshkar said that in the last 34 years, 212 eminent personalities from different fields have been honoured. Singer Usha Mangeshkar, Hridaynath's Adinath Mangeshkar and other dignitaries attended the event. The award recipients will be honored on April 24 at Dinanath Mangeshka Natyagriha, Vile Parle.