New Delhi [India], Delhi Police on Wednesday expressed dissatisfaction over Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy's response to Amit Shah's fake video case. Earlier in the day, CM Telangana had filed a reply through his lawyer. Speaking to ANI, lawyer Soumya Gupta said that she had received a notice under CrPC 91 asking from which source the video came from, "Our short answer was that it was not his account and the Twitter handle that he runs. Further, the reply also states that the video was neither tweeted nor retweeted by the CM who runs the tweet handle.'' According to Delhi Police sources, the investigating CM Not satisfied with the reply given by Telangana, if the video has been tweeted from IN Telangana's Twitter handle, then the state president is also responsible for it. Sources further said that Another notice can also be given to the CM. Apart from this, if Delhi Police is not satisfied with the answers of C Revanth Reddy, then strict action will be taken in this matter. The Delhi Police is also investigating technically, its aim is to reach the person who first edited Amit Shah's video and made it viral. The investigation so far has found some clues that prove where the video started going viral, however, work on those clues is ongoing. Apart from this, Delhi Police is also continuously receiving replies from some other people to whom notices were sent. In this case, notices were sent to 20 to 25 people, to which the police was getting response. Further investigation is ongoing. According to Delhi Police sources, the Delhi Police team is currently present in Telangana, action will be taken as soon as orders are received from the national capital.